Friday, April 15, 2011

Toys and T-minus 12 days

So I have now past the two-week-until-departure date, and things for Lesotho are coming is almost done, packing is underway, a summer job is now secured at the hospital here in Kamloops, and my 6th semester of my BSN degree at TRU is now done! Classes, papers and final presentations are all done and down the tube, and only one (rubbin rubbin RUBBIN IT IN!!!) final exam next week and then I can totally focus on last minute things for Lesotho.....and I will officially be on the home stretch for graduation next year........ughhhhh okay new topic cuz graduation absolutely and completely freaks me out.

Another big errand I've almost got ready for Lesotho is all the money....ness (by the way I HATE money. All and any of it. If I could work in direct exchange for groceries, rent, a car and  school I would)Pretty  much I'm set for life - or at least 5 weeks - with all the different money things I need to have to pay for different stuff and be ready for all sorts of emergencies. SOW (my new short-word-thingy for 'speaking of which', whatever those are called) we had a Risk Management seminar that we were required to go to for our trip as students from TRU, and we learned about all of the possible things that could and have gone wrong on a field school was not at all comforting. Anyways I will not share those stories here, as I did enough of that with the worm post and pictures :P But it did help me start the daunting task of packing and organizing documents in order to be "prepared for the worst but expecting the best". Hmm. Not sure whether that helps my two-toned emotional panel of being nervous-freaked out-scared  vs. excited-confident-ready . But those tips and my parents coming for a spontaneous weekend visit to help me do some shopping, and, lets call it, er feeding the bank account, really helped me get over the nervous stage of getting ready for Lesotho and move into the excited stage, which I'm in right now. I rarely have a moment where I don't think or talk about Lesotho and I'm glad I can finally say with honesty that I am now quite excited and not just nervous about going :)
At our most recent meeting we picked up a bunch of hand-made wooden toys that we are all packing into our two checked bags to give to all the kids we'll be interacting with on  our stay. We're trying to get ourselves a  three-bag limit so we can take more, and count our trip as a kind of aid trip, so we'll see what the travel agent can do. Those plus soccer balls, crayons, coloring books, fruit snacks and colored yarn for bracelets are some other things we're bringing with us for the kids. You know, for a while I've been kind deterred by kids - in other words they were not my favorite type of people (talking about them like they're icecream or something....btw I do not like chocolate), probably because most of my jobs and volunteer experiences have been with kids. But through this trip I'm beginning to feel drawn to their eager and energetic faces and I am for sure stoked about playing, talking, teaching and learning with them. I can feel it. Jesus will do some amazing things to and through me on this trip. And I need to start preparing for that.....put aside the money and suitcases and prepare my mind and heart for what He wants to show me soon. Well Jesus, I have something to say about that. T-minus 12 days. Then we're both boarding a plane to Lesotho.

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