Thursday, April 21, 2011's a BAM! funny thing.

Today I not only finished my third year of nursing at TRU by writing my one and only final exam, but I got to do something as equally satisfying.....put money into the bank. For months and months its been the same ritual...take money out for the utility insurance......foregin currency.....immunizations......(you'll notice I didn't mention groceries - when a trip to Africa is on the horizon, food is the first to go off my list of 'what to spend money on'....Annie would be so proud of me!) But today I go to put money INTO the bank!!! So exciting!!!! It's been added to my  just-decided-to-make-up-a-list-of-empowering-things list....
1.) Bike riding up a REALLY big hill (the bigger the better) and then riding down it at the speed of light and sound combined.
2.) Buying coffee (I don't know why this is empowering but it does mean that I'm an official coffee drinker now right?)
3.)Finishing one's third year of nursing....HUZZAH!
4.) Putting money into the bank.
5.) Realizing one is going to Africa in, what, 6 days?
I've started having those moments where everything is normal, you know.... eat a sandwich, chew some gum, write an exam.... and then, BAM! It hits 6 days I'm getting on multiple planes to fly over multiple countries where I will meet multiple children and give them multiple crayons and coloring books and fruit snacks and balls and toothbrushes and bracelets......and then, BAM! The hitting subsides and life goes on again as normal. Bu these moments get me so excited for things I'll do and see and the people I'll meet and teach and nurse with.
HUZZAH! for moments like these that hit you with a BAM!!


  1. I am very proud Louise. Immensely proud of you!

  2. I'm so glad you read my blog...and comment on it!! I love that this is a way we can keep in touch Anniebelle! And I love reading yours too, always :)
