Monday, April 25, 2011


"So, Louise, you're heading to Africa in two days, right?"
"I'm sure you were busy today getting ready, last-minute packing and worrying and what not?"
"Uh, no, not really.....did some laundry and packing, then went for a hike.....and on this random adventure to a beach to learn how to skip rocks..... and spy on an abandoned mental health this place called Padova....yeah."
"That's how you spent your second to last day in North America?"
"Yeah. I got to play in the dirt and throw rocks."
"....the most skips I got was three."

One rolley-wheely suitcase + half a hockey bag as big as me + a heart eager for adventure and learning =  1 Lesotho-bound package of skookumness.
Over and out, until June 1st....ish.

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