Thursday, May 19, 2011

Conquering the Roof of Africa...or at least a piece of it....

Mountains. Donkeys. Mountains. Cows. Mountains. Horses. Mountains. Sheep. Mountains. Herdboys. Mountains. Village or two. Mountains. Shrubs. Mountains. Shephard's grass hut. Mountains. Rocks. And more rocks. And more mountains. Mountains...mountains......MOUNTAINS!!!! You think you've made it to the top and another huge peak appears. And you think that when you start going downhill that means you're almost done. But you're not. You're actually not even halfway. And when the guide says that the truck is just around the corner, they dont mean neccessarily the next corner, just a corner somewhere on the way back. Yup. The Basotho have a funny sense of humour when it comes to their mountains. But they are still my new favorite. :)
Hiking in Lesotho is like experiencing an Africa Utah or Arizona, only greener and dotted by herds of the above ungulates and their shephards. We hiked along a route of the 'Roof of Africa', a trail, er, correction: uneven, jutting-with-rocks-, muddy, river-blocked, zig-zagged, track sort of thing -  on which motorcross riders race across for a whole day, eight hours to tbe exact. We hiked 17km of it in about 6 hours. Up and down and zig zaggin around. It was beautiful. And tiring. And awesome. Yup.
: D

1 comment:

  1. Yup! Way to go Louise. Thanks for typing in Utah. 17 kms. eh,,,,,AWESOME!
